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Victor Apukhtin appreciated the works of the participants of the “Big Korovin's outdoor class” in Tashkent

The “Great Korovin outdoor class” was first held in Tashkent on September 11, the day of memory of the famous artist K.A. Korovin. The participant's works were evaluated by the organizers of the outdoor class, deputy director of the Arts museum Mikhail Ovchinnikov, famous artist Viktor Apukhtin, as well as the main partner of the outdoor class Leila Tarasova. The winners received a valuable prize from the outdoor class partners of the Stationery Boutique “Beta” and “Nevskaya Palitra”.

The language of the video is Russian.

Konstantin Korovin is one of the brightest masters of the Silver Age, who went down in the history of Russian art as the first impressionist. But few admirers of the artist’s work know that Korovin spent 1898 in Central Asia and, thanks to this trip, created a pavilion dedicated to the beauties of the Turkestan region at the 1900 World Exhibition in Paris, receiving a Gold Medal for his work.

This time, the “Big Korovinsky outdoor class” was held for the sixth time and brought together more than two hundred artists from different countries and cities in ten locations, which were also joined by Tashkent, where more than a hundred participants gathered.

Additional information

Konstantin Korovin is the first Russian impressionist. His bright, rich, expressive painting is one of the most cheerful in the history of art.

The organizer of the outdoor class is the Fund for Assistance to the Preservation of Cultural Heritage named after. K.A. Korovin "Let's save together."

The main place is Korovin's country house in the village of Okhotino (Russia, Yaroslavl region), in which, thanks to the activity of the Foundation, the unique Korovin Museum was opened in 2015. This is the famous estate of the artist, where the opera singer Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin, the writer Maxim Gorky, the painter and graphic artist Valentin Aleksandrovich Serov, Sergei Arsenievich Vinogradov and others stayed. Here on September 9, at the 6th festival “The Art of Living in the Dacha”, artists from Moscow, Yaroslavl, Pereslavl and other Russian cities gathered.

For the first time, the “Great Korovin outdoor class” became international; artists from France, Italy, Egypt and Uzbekistan joined it. Each participant in the outdoor class painted in his own style, but everyone was united by love and respect for the great artist Konstantin Alekseevich Korovin.

“Art Location” program for the Dunyo channel. Written and directed by Raisa Roldugina, cameraman Mirzhalol Akhundzhanov.

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